Welcome. On this page, you'll find a list of favorite products you'll often find me talking about on my blog, in emails and on social. Scroll down to check out all my must-haves!

Stationary Addiction
Nurse nerd, chaos coordinator, and lifelong learner- these things help me be on point. 
PUSH Journals
Team Johnson
Need something to help you take it to the next level? The act of writing things down improves the likelihood of completion. This daily planner has several formats and designs for your style. 

Memory Joggers
Amazon- Knock Knock
With so many things on this nurse mom brain- memory joggers for me and ones like this for the whole family keep things running day to day. 

Low/Zero Waste
Because I want the future of this world to have a chance
Produce Bags

Drink Caddy

Water Bottles

Personal Development
Learning to love the voice in my head
Trauma Healing

Anxiety Sucks

Love Brene

Health and Wellness
Getting to baseline of wellness
This page contains Affiliate links, which means I get a little cash back for referring you to the product. I only recommend things I actually find useful, please do your own due diligence. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.