Welcome to the other side

Welcome to the other side
One of the things I have realized is that while still being somewhat new to nursing leadership I also have a lot of moments of aha to share. Recently I have connected with other new nursing leaders and as they ask questions and realize the nuances of the role I have caught myself saying “welcome to the other side”. I have found a lot of bigger picture realizations in nursing leadership. For me personally, working a the bedside I may not have always known all the things that go on behind the scenes from the top. And truthfully I am not sure I always had leaders or organizations who promoted the transparency for me to understand. 
Thankfully, I have had the honor of working for and connecting with some pretty amazing people. People in leadership who really have a heart for what they do, but also a big heart for the people they do it for. My mom has often asked me why I have chose. This path. Saying, “didn’t you want to be a nurse to help people and patients? Be at the bedside?” Initially, yes, but what I have realized is that the people who care for other people need so much support. And by being there for them, helping them learn, connect the dots, make their jobs easier any way I can, has been more of my calling. In addition, I value the impact I have in the ripple effect. While i may not always be the one doing direct patient care (although I have the privilege to do that from time to time too), the things I have done in the recent years as a leader have had lashing impacts- ripple effects in individuals careers, policies, and culture. 
Recently, culture of healthcare has been in distress. With national strikes and every changing policies, legislations, and new standards- it can be challenging to be in healthcare. My hope in the work that I do is to bring joy and a new passion for what it is we do in service to others. 
So, as new leaders emerge, admittedly not far behind me, I hope to help the way people have led the way for me. The mentorship, connections and growth I have experienced even in the last few years has changed me not only at work, but in my home life as well. I would like to continue to support the profession of nursing any way I can. It is a profession that I love, and a profession that has given me so much as well. Connecting new leaders to the “other side” is definitely another aha movement for me, and keeping my mission in mind, I also want to remind new leaders that there are still acceptable boundaries. And work life balance has been one of mine. In this phase of life I am appreciative of a role that supports the care of my family and my little one. But I also recognize how important it is to prioritize my own care and have admittedly fallen into some old habits again of not prioritizing the  things I want. 
That’s why I am glad I have amazing people to support me. Connections to help me a grow. And a framework, a community and a method to finding my balance again. Rebalancing for my harmony. And basically keeping myself grounded and sane. 

If you would like to learn more I have a free assessment on my page.. just scroll down to free assessment and you can see what opportunities may exist for your life balance.

Have a good weekend! 💜

Sun, Summer, and Fun

Sun, Summer, and Fun
Summer is here, and that means spending time in the sun, pool, and ocean. While it's important to enjoy the season, it's crucial to protect your skin and hair from potential damage. That's where great products comes in!

My essential oils and products go beyond just scent—they provide natural protection and nourishment for your body. For example, did you know that our Lavender essential oil can soothe sunburns and insect bites? I LOVE the lavaderm spray to be used after the sun.  Or that our Mineral Sunscreen Lotion provides SPF 50 protection without harsh chemicals?

And don't forget about your hair! Our Copaiba Vanilla Shampoo and Conditioner not only smell amazing, but they also help strengthen and protect your hair from pool and ocean water damage. This has been a game changer as I am in the middle of my swim challenge- up to 25 miles in the month of June! 

So, whether you're lounging by the pool or hitting the beach, make sure to incorporate Young Living products into your summer routine for healthy and vibrant skin and hair all season long. Once I went to these natural products I never wanted to go back. My skin is healthy, my hair is soft and string, and my vitality is growing! Check out more here:

Time at conference

Time at conference
Traveling for work can be exciting, but it can also take a toll on your health. Long flights, different time zones, and a jam-packed schedule can leave you feeling exhausted and run down. However, there are steps you can take to stay well while you’re on the road.

1. Boost your immune system: Take your daily dose of vitamins and supplements such as NingXia Red, Inner Defense, and Super B to support your immune system.

2. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your body functioning at its best. Bring a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the day and avoid sugary drinks.

3. Get enough sleep: Jet lag, late nights, and early mornings can disrupt your sleep schedule. Bring along essential oils like Lavender and Peace & Calming to facilitate a good night’s rest.

4. Exercise: It can be difficult to maintain a regular exercise routine while traveling, but even a short walk or yoga session can help you feel better physically and mentally. Bring along a resistance band for an easy workout.

5. Practice good hygiene: Hand sanitizer, face masks, and keeping your surroundings clean can help prevent the spread of germs and keep you healthy. Bring along Hand Purifier and Spray for a germ-free journey.

By taking some simple steps, you can stay well while traveling for work and come back feeling refreshed and energized.

Overwhelm and my bag of goodies

Overwhelm and my bag of goodies
At times, life can feel overwhelming and our mental health can suffer as a result. But, with support, you can find balance and support for your mental well-being.

I often reach for my little secret bag of self care (which goes with me everywhere btw) and find something for the moment I’m having. Whether I need to take a deep breath, ease some discomfort, or find some energy for my next task. 

Essential oils such as Lavender, Frankincense, and Stress Away can help promote relaxation and calmness. Diffusing these oils or applying them topically can help ease feelings of stress and overwhelm.

In addition, taking care of our physical health can also positively impact our mental health. I rely on a variety of supplements and products that support overall wellness, including NingXia Red, Sulfurzyme, and Life 9.

Whether it's practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep, or engaging in physical activity, make sure to prioritize your mental and physical well-being. With the support of products that align with your busy life, you can find balance and ease in your everyday life.

I am here in Laguna Beach CA today and so thankful for the time to rest and release and breathe. This is me filling my cup! 

Life season

Life season
I realized in some conversation this week that I had really made a lot of transformations this past year or so. In my nursing career, I had always loved emergency nursing, the thrill, the adrenaline everything about it made me feel very fortunate to be able to serve people on the entire lifespan. It was truly an honor to see patients that were beginning of life, end of life, and anywhere in between, and I felt privileged to be able to care for them, and be part of their journey. The toll of working in the emergency department hit me well before the pandemic did and as I tried to use my skill set in a way that would best be served to the nursing community, I found that even behind the scenes of emergency nursing as a nurse educator it was still a bit chaotic.

It’s been a year since I changed specialty, and I have again had additional realizations that while the ER felt natural to me at that phase of life, now with my own child, pediatrics is new my new home. I am thankful to be part of the families journeys as they bring in kids with all needs and pediatric patients from the very young and new all the way up until 18. Having my own little one and two step children has prepared me for having communication with this population. But it continues to teach me better ways to communicate with my own children.

I recently celebrated my relationship with my stepdaughter by getting matching tattoos. It’s been a years long dream finally come to fruition during a visit when I was able to go solo during a nursing conference. The tattoo is the symbol for rising woman. It is the intersection of divine feminine and divine masculine- the moon and the sun. It is significant to us as we enter a season of balance and harmony. Remembering to keep an even keel, listen to our intuition, and take care of our being. Was a great experience, and I loved sharing this with her. 

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