Overwhelm and my bag of goodies
At times, life can feel overwhelming and our mental health can suffer as a result. But, with support, you can find balance and support for your mental well-being.

I often reach for my little secret bag of self care (which goes with me everywhere btw) and find something for the moment I’m having. Whether I need to take a deep breath, ease some discomfort, or find some energy for my next task. 

Essential oils such as Lavender, Frankincense, and Stress Away can help promote relaxation and calmness. Diffusing these oils or applying them topically can help ease feelings of stress and overwhelm.

In addition, taking care of our physical health can also positively impact our mental health. I rely on a variety of supplements and products that support overall wellness, including NingXia Red, Sulfurzyme, and Life 9.

Whether it's practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep, or engaging in physical activity, make sure to prioritize your mental and physical well-being. With the support of products that align with your busy life, you can find balance and ease in your everyday life.

I am here in Laguna Beach CA today and so thankful for the time to rest and release and breathe. This is me filling my cup! 


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