Life season
I realized in some conversation this week that I had really made a lot of transformations this past year or so. In my nursing career, I had always loved emergency nursing, the thrill, the adrenaline everything about it made me feel very fortunate to be able to serve people on the entire lifespan. It was truly an honor to see patients that were beginning of life, end of life, and anywhere in between, and I felt privileged to be able to care for them, and be part of their journey. The toll of working in the emergency department hit me well before the pandemic did and as I tried to use my skill set in a way that would best be served to the nursing community, I found that even behind the scenes of emergency nursing as a nurse educator it was still a bit chaotic.

It’s been a year since I changed specialty, and I have again had additional realizations that while the ER felt natural to me at that phase of life, now with my own child, pediatrics is new my new home. I am thankful to be part of the families journeys as they bring in kids with all needs and pediatric patients from the very young and new all the way up until 18. Having my own little one and two step children has prepared me for having communication with this population. But it continues to teach me better ways to communicate with my own children.

I recently celebrated my relationship with my stepdaughter by getting matching tattoos. It’s been a years long dream finally come to fruition during a visit when I was able to go solo during a nursing conference. The tattoo is the symbol for rising woman. It is the intersection of divine feminine and divine masculine- the moon and the sun. It is significant to us as we enter a season of balance and harmony. Remembering to keep an even keel, listen to our intuition, and take care of our being. Was a great experience, and I loved sharing this with her. 


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