Welcome to the other side

Welcome to the other side
One of the things I have realized is that while still being somewhat new to nursing leadership I also have a lot of moments of aha to share. Recently I have connected with other new nursing leaders and as they ask questions and realize the nuances of the role I have caught myself saying “welcome to the other side”. I have found a lot of bigger picture realizations in nursing leadership. For me personally, working a the bedside I may not have always known all the things that go on behind the scenes from the top. And truthfully I am not sure I always had leaders or organizations who promoted the transparency for me to understand. 
Thankfully, I have had the honor of working for and connecting with some pretty amazing people. People in leadership who really have a heart for what they do, but also a big heart for the people they do it for. My mom has often asked me why I have chose. This path. Saying, “didn’t you want to be a nurse to help people and patients? Be at the bedside?” Initially, yes, but what I have realized is that the people who care for other people need so much support. And by being there for them, helping them learn, connect the dots, make their jobs easier any way I can, has been more of my calling. In addition, I value the impact I have in the ripple effect. While i may not always be the one doing direct patient care (although I have the privilege to do that from time to time too), the things I have done in the recent years as a leader have had lashing impacts- ripple effects in individuals careers, policies, and culture. 
Recently, culture of healthcare has been in distress. With national strikes and every changing policies, legislations, and new standards- it can be challenging to be in healthcare. My hope in the work that I do is to bring joy and a new passion for what it is we do in service to others. 
So, as new leaders emerge, admittedly not far behind me, I hope to help the way people have led the way for me. The mentorship, connections and growth I have experienced even in the last few years has changed me not only at work, but in my home life as well. I would like to continue to support the profession of nursing any way I can. It is a profession that I love, and a profession that has given me so much as well. Connecting new leaders to the “other side” is definitely another aha movement for me, and keeping my mission in mind, I also want to remind new leaders that there are still acceptable boundaries. And work life balance has been one of mine. In this phase of life I am appreciative of a role that supports the care of my family and my little one. But I also recognize how important it is to prioritize my own care and have admittedly fallen into some old habits again of not prioritizing the  things I want. 
That’s why I am glad I have amazing people to support me. Connections to help me a grow. And a framework, a community and a method to finding my balance again. Rebalancing for my harmony. And basically keeping myself grounded and sane. 

If you would like to learn more I have a free assessment on my page.. just scroll down to free assessment and you can see what opportunities may exist for your life balance.

Have a good weekend! 💜

Chaos and Living life differently

Chaos and Living life differently
I was on the phone with a friend today and had just picked up my 4 year old. As we chatted my daughter began making monster noises, singing, and then screaming. Obviously, she didn't want me on the phone but unable to express that she decided to call attention to herself. I was able to redirect her attentions for a bit, but not before my friend noted "this is a good form of birth control for me right now". I laughed, we had a rough morning that had delayed me for work because she didn't want to wear pants after it had rained this morning. As I shared my morning adventures with my friend she said she understands why parents are stressed.
I was like yeah, every aspect of your single life changes, you have to take longer in the morning getting ready- not because of your own needs, but theirs. Picking them up from school and into the car takes a lot of patience and time. Deciding randomly to run to the store real quick will surely require more time and energy than you planned. When you want a baby and everyone asks if you will have another, not many people talk about the challenging days.
The days you are ready for work just to have your kid smear the toothbrush all over you, the days where they won't wear pants and in the fluster of getting them ready your forget your laptop at home and have to go back, the days where things just take longer. 
Only parents talk about these things. And other parents are the first to tell you- I know that, I have been there, and have you met my kids (my favorite lol). There is a shared commissary of these challenging days. But at the end of the day you would have no other way. The moments of awe struck joy and love that come with being a parent is something that cannot be explained in words.
But in regards to keeping your sanity- well, you have to find what works for you. I choose to live differently. I abandon guilt when I spend time alone, with friends, or simply running to the store- because thankfully she has 2 of us. I also HAVE to prioritize myself. Not get to, or should... I have to prioritize myself or I will lose my mind!! For real, I am not perfect, and I have a lot of unlearning to do to remain patient, calm, or sane. I have struggled with anxiety, overcome adversity, and I am not the best sometimes. 
Recently, I was a bit off. During these times I get quiet, I ask myself what I need. And right now, I am doing a mindset course. Because when I am not doing so well the internal dialogue can turn into a less than positive narrative. I am enjoying it, and feeling like I am getting back on track. Life comes with its peaks and valleys, I am glad for another upswing. Thankful for the chaos, and the ability to live differently. 

Busy weekend learning

Busy weekend learning
Here is what I learned from a busy weekend with 3 different activities.

Today is Sunday, and as I drive to see a dear friend and her family I am also overstimulated. The rush of the mornings to get ready for these events leave me on edge. I pressure everyone to get ready and get out the door so we don’t “miss out”. But what I tend to forget is by doing this I am missing out on the family bond of a Sunday morning. Usually we wake up together, snuggle and giggle, and then make breakfast. When we do have an activity plan sometimes we pick up breakfast- which is what we did today.

But today was rushed and I was very much in my masculine energy. Meaning I was commanding my husband and child to hurry up and slinging threats of staying home if they didn’t comply. When I am in this mindset I have to check myself. It is an easy habit to fall into, and even when I am trying to be so efficient during these times I tend to forgot things. Like literal things we need to bring, but also the things that are more important. Our time together. 

I am admittedly a person who overschedules life. I am still working out all the reasons that made me this way, but a lot of it comes down to good old “FOMO”. Rather dumb to admit, but I am easily distracted and engaged. I love to start things but don’t always finish them. I excel at work with launching programs, and can loose interest in the maintenance phase and usually try to hand that off to someone else. 

So this weekend was a great example- Friday night my daughter and I went to a kids amusement park for a Halloween event. Yesterday we had swim lesson and a concert in the park with food trucks and kids play area. And today we are off to go apple picking. Tomorrow is Halloween, and spirit week for my daughters school. 

With all the people and the hustle bustle I have noticed and recognized my irritability. I am not just over scheduled but overstimulated as well. This is why I love journaling, using planner tools, and now I am going to try my hand at blogging. Getting these thoughts out of my head helps me process it all, and my hope is that it helps others as well. Sharing our stories can inspire, intrigue, and ignite inquiry. 

Looking forward to a slower pace the rest of the day. Thankfully I have a husband who moves at a snails pace… lol, you what they say- opposites attract. He reminds me to stay grounded and to slow down. A little Yin and Yang over here that I take for granted but am truly thankful for. 
Happy Halloween friends! Here’s to many more thought sharing posts. 🎃 👻 

If you would like to check out one of the planners I LOVE when I am in a busier season in life, then click here: https://bit.ly/3BDVJvd

**affiliate link- I’ll get a bit back for the referral